Birth &

Postpartum Doula


How do you dream your birth to be?

I am here in loving support to say ‘how can we make that happen for you?’

What is a Doula:

Birth is one of the biggest initiations and transformative experiences a women can have. A baby is born and so is a mother. The journey of pregnancy is a sacred time in which a mother is to be celebrated, nurtured, listened to, supported and empowered. A doula’s role is to support the birthing person and family physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually with encouragement, calmness, advocacy and compassion. And I am here to do just that!

What I offer:

As a doula I am here for it all- your dreams, fears, tears, desires, questions & intentions. I have no judgements or notions of what your birth or process should look like— it is your birth, your way.

I believe in a women’s innate wisdom & intuition, the motherbaby connection, and inherent knowing of how to birth. The people around and supporting the birthing woman are incredibly impactful in her process and story of her birth.

I am here in sisterhood as that safe and warm presence. I am that shoulder you can cry on, your biggest supporter and advocate, and a bodyworker providing healing touch. I walk alongside you extending my heart & hand when moments get tough. I am here to listen to you & answer any questions you may have. I am a grounding cord and energy that will empower & encourage you in every stage of pregnancy through birth into motherhood.

I believe in truly getting to know one another, developing intimacy and connection. Intimacy births trust, trust births a sense of safety. When a mother feels safe, empowered, educated and reassured she can have the birth she dreams to be.

Pregnancy Support:

During our prenatal visits we will take the time to get one another, address areas of concern, & answer any questions. Other areas of support included/ woven in:

  • Childbirth Education: holistic stages of labor, physiological birth, pain/ tension tools, birthing positions

  • Emotional Support: using art exercises to explore fears, narratives and stories around birth to empower & reclaim

  • Exploring your dream birth & coming up with a birth plan

  • Support navigating relationships & honoring of boundaries- family, parents, work, friends, partner

  • Help prepare the home for babes arrival, discuss postpartum nesting and plan for care

  • Rituals: yoni steaming, foot baths & facemasks, selfcare; Guided meditations & sound healing

  • Help plan Motherblessing

  • Phone/text support throughout duration of our time together

Support During Birth:

Starting around 37 weeks, I will be on call 24/7 until you birth your baby. When your labor begins, I can come as soon as you’d like my support. I will be with you throughout your process until your baby is born. While in labor I will provide tender heart-centered support, be a calm and reassuring presence, advocate for your needs, when times are rough be that person that says- you can f****** do this, you are doing this- I believe in you and tending & holding your sacred space. Supporting the birthing person & partner emotionally, mentally and spiritually while also providing practical physical support like birthing positions, massage, and compressions to ease sensations. I believe in providing support, while also not interfering with a womans process. I will come fully prepared with my basket of helpful tricks and that sister who will be your biggest supporter.

Postpartum Support:

After babes arrival and you have nestled back into your home we will focus on: nourishment, bodycare, emotional support & integration and community. These visits will be 2-3 hours in duration depending on the needs of the mother.

Bodycare: choice between- massage, reiki, yoni steam/ sitz baths (herbs provided)

Nourishment: I will bring over a broth-based soup that is easy to digest, warming to the body and full of the nutrients you need in recovery. Alongside I will bring over an herbal tea catered to postpartum recovery.

Emotional Support: weaving your birth story, processing, listening to whatever is coming up for you

Physical Support: light housework including cleaning, vacuuming, washing dishes, tending to other children, laundry

Can help setup meal train, postpartum basket for mom, & supplies for baby- organization

Closing of the bones ceremony; other rituals



This package includes:

support during each stage of your journey outlined above

  • 4 prenatal visits

  • 2 pregnancy massages

  • support during birth

  • 4 postpartum visits

Investment: $1500

Full Moon:

This package includes:

Support during each stage of your journey outlined above

  • 6 pregnancy massages

  • 6 prenatal visits

  • support during birth

  • 6 postpartum visits

This package is supportive to first time moms, mothers who experienced previous traumas including birth, someone who recently moved to the island or a mama who is looking for comprehensive care & deep sisterhood.

Investment: $2500

Waning Moon:

Tender, continuous & nourishing care during the first 40 days postpartum

This package includes:

5 postpartum visits each lasting 2-3hrs & include:

  • choice of reiki, massage, yoni steam & sitz baths

  • broth based soup & herbal tea to support postpartum healing & replenishment

  • Emotional support, weaving birth story, processing

  • light housework, cleaning, vacuuming, dishes, laundry

  • Closing of the bones

Investment: $750

All packages can be customized to create the support you are looking for mama

Payment plans are available


All life comes through the mother. Through their devotion. Their surrender. Their body as a temple and portal to carry life.

To create a new way forward for the next generations is to start by supporting the mother.

tending to and supporting mothers

gives way to their capacity to pour into their children creating health and wellness

the health and wellness of children paves the way to generations of healthy communities

Have some questions mama? lets drop in & connect